As part of our red team engagements, we may sometimes utilize Fireprox to obtain a larger number of IP addresses for various actions, such as password spraying. We thought that we should figure out if there are any IOC or easy-to-identify indicators on the default tool and see if anyone else is using Fireprox.
Execute API
The API returned by Fireprox in AWS conforms to the following format:
We can quickly lookup many relevant subdomains or entries using SecurityTrails. After identifying the relevant entries, we can perform an IOC check based on:
A HTTP request to the URL should result in a 403
A HTTP request to the path '/fireprox/' should result in a 302 Object Moved.
For example:
cat 1.txt | httpx -status-code -follow-redirects -title -mc 403 -o 2.txt
cat 2.txt | cut -f 1 -d' ' | httpx -status-code -title -mc 302 -o 3.txt
# 3.txt contains potential fireprox entries.
As a result of the quick research against just the us-east-2 region, we can identify 5 instances potentially running Fireprox at the time of testing: [302] [Object moved] [302] [Object moved] [302] [Object moved] [302] [Object moved] [302] [Object moved]
Visiting each one, we can see that the request is redirected to Microsoft, successfully confirming that it is indeed Fireprox.
Searching for standard open-source tooling is possible based on basic knowledge of the response codes.
The deployment of an API gateway on AWS is likely publicly accessible without further restrictions and can be used by anyone on the Internet.
A malicious threat actor may be able to abuse a legitimately exposed Fireprox API (for purposes of Red Teaming) to perform their malicious password spraying attacks.
We do not recommend Red Teams using other deployed Fireprox APIs because it would not be impossible to deploy a honeypot Fireprox API that logs all traffic, which would disclose information about your customers.